+33 (0)6 30 98 92 18 contact@chantelou.fr


Houses for rent in Auvergne


at the Domaine de CHANTELOU

Situated in the heart of the Auvergne Region in the Livradois Forez Regional Park and close to the ‘Parc des Volcans’, Chantelou provides accommodation for groups all year round. Handicapped people, their families and friends are particularly but not exclusively welcome for holidays, celebrations, leisure or meetings. However in our mountainous setting access for some physically handicapped persons remains difficult

Self-catering accommodation in five old basalt stone houses, fully equipped, restored respecting the rustic style of the region.

Old stable restaured as a small private oratory open on demand. Ancient bread oven still in use for delicious baking or pottery. Country walks in ‘Bois de la Comté’: several thousands acres of wood land opened up to the public by local authorities for the pleasure of hikers and nature lovers.


A new website !

A new website !

After 18 years of good and loyal service, the Chantelou.fr website has a new look…

Spring is here !

Spring is here !

With the mild temperatures, nature takes back its rights…